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I met some Brazilian Law Enforcement at the 2014 World Forensic Festival. They were talking about Child Online Exploitation in Brazil, and a tool they developed called "NuDetective". The NuDetective tool AND training is free for Law Enforcement (from the Brazilian Police).

For more information please see (Portuguese): http://www.eleuterio.com
Or contact nudetective (at) gmail (dot) com.

From: http://www.eleuterio.com/nudetective.html

The NuDetective is a program developed in Java that supports the detection of juvenile pornography files still in search and seizure sites and crime scenes suspected of pedophilia. The software has been developed entirely by PCFs Pedro MS Eleuterio and Matthew C. Polastro and may be used by law enforcement and public entities for free.

The idea NuDetective arose from the child's status change and acolescente (ACE) on November 25, 2008, which typified the possession of crime juvenile pornography files. Thus, the Criminal Experts would have to quickly identify, even at crime scenes, illegal files among the millions of files that can be stored on a computer, for example. Therefore, the tool has been developed and uses currently four main features, including the new Video Analysis to perform the detection of these suspicious files:

  • Image analysis software performs automatic detection nude images through skin pixels identification and computational geometry techniques.
  • Names of analysis: the NuDetective checks the file name in order to detect the most common expressions of pedophilia.
  • Hash Analysis: the program also compares the hash value of the files with a list of known illegal files values.
  • Video Analysis (new): The program calculates the ideal sample and extract frames from videos, performing nudity detection in frames from the algorithms used by the Image Analysis, allowing the identification of juvenile pornography videos.

The authors have published some articles on the development of the tool, including participation in the IEEE DEXA'10 in the city of Bilbao / Spain when shown for the first time, the tool and the results obtained. In 2011, the authors showed NuDetective the global gathering of forensic researchers, the 19th IAFS World Meeting (International Association of Forensic Sciences), and presented a number of other countries and institutions / forensic laboratories. In 2012, the first of videos developed detection strategy was published in IEEE WSDF-ARES'12 in Prague / Czech Republic, with a single research paper in the world and brought great advances in the state-of-the-art file detection of juvenile pornography. Currently, many police forces of many countries use the tool, with a unique contribution to Computer Forensics and for the protection of children and adolescents of our planet. The tool supports the Portuguese, English and Spanish, but can be easily translated to new languages. In 2014, the authors presented the tool in the main computer Congress of Argentina (JAIIO), which published another article on NuDetective showing results of using the tool in Brazil in the fight against pedophilia.

Forensic Tool NuDetective is free and exclusive use of the forces of law and public institutions. For more information, send email to nudetective (at) gmail (dot) com. This is the official channel of communication on the tool, where you can request more information.